We’re thrilled to invite you to an exciting event that’s all about community, inclusion, and horsepower—TACT’s Classic Car Show & Resource Fair! This isn’t just about chrome and engines—it’s about celebrating Autism Acceptance Month and creating opportunities for all.
April 19th from 8:30am-Noon
6535 S. Dayton Street, Greenwood Village, CO 80110
Explore real life scenarios and practice appropriate interactions with law enforcement. Opportunity to converse with, ask questions and build relationships with city of Aurora police officers. Family members are highly encouraged to stay and participate, no additional registration needed.
March 26th from 4:30- 6pm
Egg hunts will start at 9:30 and will be timed based on age group: 0-5- 9:30-10am 6-9 – 10:30-11am 10-14 – 11:30-12 We will have games, crafts and activities during the event to keep the whole family engaged!!
April 12th, from 9:30am- 1pm
Inclusive Easter Egg Hunt where we will have a wheelchair accessible egg hunt, a sensory friendly egg hunt, and a traditional hunt. Lots of activities for the kids.
April 13th from 1:30-4pm
211 is a confidential and multilingual service connecting people to vital resources across the state. No matter where you live in Colorado, you can find information about resources in your local community.
Classes offered on Saturdays for various ages.
A non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They offer a variety of programs and services, including housing assistance, employment support and advocacy services.
Autism Community Store provides many different activities and programs throughout the month. Check out their programs, groups, and activities.
The Best Buddies Friendship Walk celebrates inclusion for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Come walk for inclusion and stay in the park for a fun after party. Everyone is invited!
9am May 4th 2025
Broken Tree meets on the 1st and 3rd Fridays for Bible Study from 5-7pm. Pizza Provided!
Join us as we soar toward our mission to fund the Denver Fly Day on September 13, 2025. Enjoy an in-flight experience with delicious dinner service, an open bar, and uplifting music. We’re excited to have you onboard and thank you in advance for helping us reach new heights!
April 12th, 2025 from 6-9pm
Our mission is to provide support and information to anyone diagnosed with a rare chromosome or gene mutation disorder. Additionally CDO actively promotes research and a positive community understanding of all chromosome disorders.
Colorado Cross Disability Coalition offers information, advocacy and assistance on disability rights issues for youth and adults with all types of disabilities.
Conductive Education (CE) is an educational program created to teach movement and problem-solving skills. The method is an intensive multi-disciplinary approach designed to enable individuals with motor disorders to achieve the most active, fulfilling, and independent life possible.
CFPD provides a myriad of fiduciary services that offer protection, personalized attention, access to our network of organizations and services, financial guidance and someone on your side.
SILC offers financial assistance for home modifications, personal care and other services that help people with disabilities live independently.
Denver Family Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering affordable therapy services to couples, families, and individuals from all walks of life.
A non-profit organization that provides a wide range of services and programs for people with disabilities, including job training and placement, respite care and assistive technology.
At E&E Dance Company, we provide an inclusive, age-appropriate dance education using a progressive curriculum, so that any child who wants to dance has an opportunity, and a studio to call home.
Every Body Curious is an entertaining and educational YouTube series about sexuality and healthy relationships for youth, ages 9-12 with and without disabilities.
Improving health care access and equity for children and youth with special healthcare needs.
Feel the Beat is a Colorado-based 501c3 nonprofit and dance studio dedicated to making the experience of music possible for all including those who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and/or with or without disabilities.
Many of our local libraries offer free passes to many Denver Metro area activities like museums, the zoo and state parks.
At GiGi’s Playhouse our mission is to change the way the world view Down syndrome and send a global message of acceptance for all. We change lives through FREE and purposeful programming for individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and their community.
Spring Program are ready to register!
The Global Down Syndrome Foundation (GLOBAL) is part of a network of affiliate organizations that work closely together to significantly improve the lives of people with Down syndrome through Research, Medical Care, Education, and Advocacy.
GYMGUYS works with clients of all abilities to help each individual reach their own personal goals.
Check out the activities going at the the Highlands Ranch Community Association Therapeutic Recreation Program.
Spring Break Camps Available.
Come enjoy The Hive Community Center, an inclusive new space in Parker.
Open 10 am- 7 pm Wednesday- Sunday
Get ready to groove through the decades as we celebrate 70 years of The Arc ADE with an unforgettable silent disco experience!
April 12th from 6-8pm
6538 S. Racine Circle Centennial, CO 80111