ACC Rise Program

ACC Rise Program


Arapahoe Community College, in collaboration with Craig Hospital and MINDSOURCE - Brain Injury Network at the Colorado Department of Human Services, is offering a new program designed to bridge the transition between hospital-based rehabilitation and return to the community for adults living with Brain Injury (BI). The courses in the program address the cognitive and psycho social skills needed to achieve post-injury social, educational and/or vocational goals.

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Upcoming Arapahoe Community College Courses for Brain Injury

SAIL Course for Support Persons:

Fee: $249.00
Dates: Saturdays from 4/5/2025 - 5/10/2025
Times: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

This evidence-based class is for family members, friends and other support persons who advocate for and with someone living with brain injury. Participants could include close friends, co-workers, roommates, family members, and employers.

• Evidence Based (a randomized controlled trial found SAIL to be efficacious in enhancing self-efficacy and satisfaction with life after TBI)

• Develop the knowledge and skills to advocate for the needs of the injured person and your own needs as a support person

• Develop wellness strategies for energy and well-being

• Increase your knowledge of how the brain works and the effects of brain injury

• Discover community resources and strategies for accessing them

• Learn strategies to organize and plan daily tasks

• Develop techniques to respond in emotional situations

• Learn to communicate your needs and wishes assertively

General Information

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